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Biology & Life Sciences

Use Case: STORM Super resolution Microscopy

2 min read
Edit by Romain Meynie • Nov 30, 2023


STORM Microscopy is totally matching esDynamic setup, as it involves lasers and cameras and high-end optical microscopes (including positionning stages, focus control system).

With esDynamic, you can easily tune your microscopy bench to match latest imaging solutions, with no need to buy a dedicated microscope.

Stay at the edge of imaging solutions while reducing the need for new and expensive hardware equipment.

Connect your bench

To connect your bench to esDynamic, just link your devices to the esBox (serial / USB / RJ45) and declare them in Bench Manager (bench module of esDynamic).

Each declared device can be controlled, callibrated and tuned directly on your bench or from your desktop. You have the full power on your hardware.

In our case, our set-up is made of:

  • a UV laser,
  • a motorized anti-speckle device
  • a custom XY positioning stage (piezo),
  • a Ti2 microscope
  • an Orca v4 Camera.


Set-up a recording sequence

You can use our standard acquisition algorithm, download one from GIT or design your own one.

If your team has some data scientists, they will be pleased to know that esDynamic leverages a python notebook interface, compatible with µManager library. Feel free to have a total control on most of scientific devices.

Once your acquisition sequence is ok, you can save it, so any user can connect to the bench and run it at a click on a button. This is a perfect way of working for mixed teams with data scientists and reseachers less familiar with a coding environment.


Keep your working habits

esDynamic implements micromanager API and ImageJ processing engine. Therefore all your previous setups and processing algorithms can be reused... and shared more easily.


Powerfull data processing

esDynamic is able to connect to datacenters to easily take benefits from your whole IT system and provide you with results faster than any other solution.

In the case of our STORM post processing, we used Tanitracer library to generate the 3D representation of the 10x10x10µm sample in less than 15min, allowing several recordings before losing too much fluorescence.




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